Trendsetting in the Colorado Wilderness: Conquer the Hunter Education Exam 2024!

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Question: 1 / 50

Which of the following is a fundamental rule of firearm safety?

Always point the muzzle in a safe direction

A fundamental rule of firearm safety is to always point the muzzle in a safe direction. This means that you should be aware of where the muzzle of your firearm is pointing at all times, and ensure that it is not pointing at anyone or anything that could be harmed. This rule helps to prevent accidental shootings and injuries. The other options, such as using the scope to spot animals or carrying excessive ammunition, are not related to firearm safety and should not be done. Keeping the action open when the firearm is not in use is also important to prevent accidental discharges, but it is not the fundamental rule of firearm safety.

Only use the scope to spot animals

Keep the action open except when in use

Carry as much ammunition as possible


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